Sometimes we might be in the situation,when all the SAP users are locked even the DDIC and other admin users.
In such cases, We can use the traditional method of unlocking SAP* user.
However it will require database bounce and is also a time-consuming task.
Today we will discuss how we can unlock the SAP users at oracle database level.
Suppose we need to unlock SAP user ‘TEST1’ from both 200 and 400 client.
Let us discuss step by step how to achive it at database level.All we need is the sqlplus/sysdba access to database:
Step 1
Login as <orasid> and goto SQLplus: and issue below query to see the users in the system DEV
Here assume Database host =sapdev.
select bname,mandt from sapdev.usr02 where bname='TEST1';

Step 2
To unlock user TEST1 in client 200, set UFLAG=0 with below query:
SQL> update SAPDEV.USR02 set UFLAG = 0 where BNAME = 'TEST1' and mandt = 200;
SQL> commit;

Note: Password reset is not possible using above method as the password is in encrypted format.