In this article, we will discuss how to perform SAP HANA upgrade step by step.
Media Files
We need to download installation media files which can be performed by
- Using Download Components option in HANA cockpit OR
- Downloading manually as below:
Login with S-user ID on www.support.sap.com –> Software downloads
Now ,
Installation and Upgrades->By Alphabetical Index (A to Z )–>H–>SAP HANA Platform Edition–>SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0–>Installation–><Select the file depends on your platform>

Tools Required for SAP HANA upgrade:
SAP HANA database lifecycle management tool (HDBLCM) can be used to update HANA system components like the HANA database and the HANA client software.
We can perform upgrade using:
- Resident hdblcm (command line)
- hdblcmgui (X Window),
- hdblcmweb (browser)
- Before updating, please check if there are no read or write processes are running on the HANA database since during update, database will be restarted.
- Perform update outside business hours.
- Backup HANA DB and server.
Time for upgrade = (Time for database shutdown) + (Time for database start) + 20 minutes.
We can start SAP HANA Lifecycle Management Tool using web as shown below:

We will perform HANA upgrade via Resident hdblcm (command line) option.
- Copy Media to the Server and extract under temporary location, extract it using SAPCAR

- Start HDBLCM using command line script: ./hdblcm. (resident HDBLCM)

- Select option-1 and then enter credentials for SIDADM & SYSTEM:

- Review each section and confirm “Y” to proceed:

Voila !!!!!!!!!!!!!! The upgrade has finished 🙂