MATMAS IDOC failing in SAP


IDOCS failing in SAP system with status-51 while sending them from BD10.

When checked in BD87 of receiving system below error logs is found:

What is MATMAS ?

MATMAS is a type of an IDOC which is used to send material master data using BD10.

Whenever material in SAP is changed/deleted or created using MM01/MM02, we can use t-code BD10 which is based on standard report RBDMATST to send IDOC for specific material.

How To Send MATMAS Idoc in SAP:

Go to Source system and enter T-code BD10.
enter Material and execute.


When checked the RFC between source and target system, connection test was failing due to wrong credentials.

In Source system, goto SM59 and search the RFC pointing towards target system, in our case PRDCLNT200.
Correct the password of login user and re-trigger from BD10.