While trying to print SAPscript Form (label printing) on zebra printers, we get print error as LZPL driver does not support SAPscript.
After checking in the SP01 logs, we found below error :

Click on the spool log, we can see detailed error findings:
SAP spool error log
Print request processing log
Character converter active when first problem occurred
Data was saved with character set 4103
Data will be converted to character set 4210 (synt = 4210)
Errors occurred processing this print request
LZPL driver does not support SAPscript!
There may be no printout
Most important attributes of spool request
Request number 81155
Request name SCRIPT ZR03 ANDY
Client 100
Owner ANDY
Request attributes
Time created 2020051107390200
Remaining life +00007010129
Dispo 1 (Go/Hold) G
Dispo 2 (Keep/Delete) K
Dispo 3 (Indirect/Direct) D
Default output device ZR01
Default no. copies 1
Format DINA4
Main print request characteristics
Spool request number 81155
Print request number 15
Print request attributes
Time created 2020051107390200
Output device ZR01
There could be multiple reason for such errors like:
- Device issue
- Driver issue on printer host
Solution to error LZPL driver does not support SAPscript:
I’ll elaborate step by step procedure we had followed to correct the error in our case:
- Check the printer specification:
For our system, physical printer model was ZEBRA ZDesigner S4M.
and the driver used for it was ZDesigner S4M-300dpi ZPL.

Now if you are using centralized print server, make sure Print server has the exactly same printer drivers for the printer.
- Check the correct device type:
T-code: SPAD

Make sure, you are using correct device type.
You can correct the same in Device attributes via t-code: SPAD

In our case, we used the LB_ZEB2 device type, which worked correctly.
Now test print again:
Spool should be successfully completed.

NOTE: In case the device type does not work, try to change device type related to label printing and test again.