Today we’ll learn how to login to Sybase ASE (adaptive server enterprise) database using the iSQL Utility. There are multiple default users in Sybase.
SA= It is a super user for the Sybase database.
SAPSA, SAPSSO and SAPSR3DB= These are the default users created by SAP application.
For demonstration purpose, we will use users SA and SAPSA to login.
Login to Unix/Linux/windows system with <SID>ADM user
SA user: Use below syntax for isql command:
isql -Usa -S[SID] -X (Press enter key)
Password: (Enter password for SA user)
SAPSA user: Use below syntax:
isql -Usapsa -S[SID] -X (Press enter key)
Password: (Enter password for SAPSA user)
Follow the exact steps to Login To Sybase ASE using iSQL utility.