LDAPRC 004 Error Maximum Number Of Find Results Exceeded


What is LDAP

LDAP also called as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a a set of protocols for accessing information directories.
It is based on the X.500 standard but is a “lightweight” version of Directory Access Protocol (DAP).
The LDAP server stores the directory information in a database and the most common use of LDAP is to provide central place for authentication.

In SAP, we use LDAP mostly as a data source in UME (user management engine) or it is used to authenticate Organization’s Windows user to use services like ESS/MSS portals in SAP etc.

In This article, we will discuss the error we received while performing synchronization from LDAP server to SAP.


While performing synchronization from LDAP server to SAP, following error message occurs:

LDAPRC 004 “Maximum number of find results exceeded”

LDAPRC 004 Maximum number of find results exceeded
LDAPRC 004 Error

What Caused This Error & how to Correct it.

  1. LDAP Configuration

    Check if LDAP connector is configured as per SAP Note 1584110

  2. Check the PAGESIZE parameter

    We need to set the PAGESIZE parameter in the LDAP Connector configuration file.

    T-code: LDAP -> Connector -> Overview screen

    LDAP Connector

Use the LDAP Connector configuration file to set the PAGESIZE parameter to the previous standard value 200. 
When using paged search this will return the exact same number of entries as the selected page size & the search is repeated with a smaller page size.
If this changes the total number of found entries (which should be page size-independent), the LDAP Connector triggers an error.

Here in our case, Page size was set to 9999 in SAP and on AD the maximum page size was set to 1000 records. (Confirmed with AD team).
Hence, when using paged search, LDAP connector is throwing an error.


Set the PAGESIZE value in SAP to value which is set by AD team on their LDAP server side, In our case it was 1000.
Or use the value 200 as recommended by SAP.