How To Change SIDadm & SAPServiceSID Password On Windows Server


For SAP installed on Windows environment, sometimes we need to change the password for SIDadm & SAPServiceSID


Whenever we change the password of user SAPService<SID>, corresponding SAP services must be updated with the new password otherwise services will be stopped due to incorrect logon details.

We need to consider below two scenarios:

  1. Local Installation
  2. Domain Installation

Let us discuss each case in detail:

Local Installation:

If the SAP system is locally installed i.e if users are managed locally use below method to reset password.

1) User: <SID>adm:

We can reset the password of <SID>adm if we login to system directly by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del and select Change Password.
For remote session, press Ctrl-Alt-End and select Change Password.

Additionally we can also change password as shown in below method:

Click start and type RUN–> type compmgmt.msc


This will open the computer management screen:

Microsoft Computer Management

Click On Users and select the required user –> Right click and select option ‘Set Password’:

Set New SAPServiceSID password via Microsoft Computer Management

Set the New password as per the security policy of your organization.

New Password Set New SAPServiceSID password via Microsoft Computer Management

2) User: SAPServiceSID

Reset password as shown above via compmgmt.msc.
Additionally there are certain services which are dependent on this user.

  • Choose Start –> All Programs –> Administrative Tools –> Services.
  • Choose corresponding SAP services using this user & set the New password
SAPServiceSID service update
  • Restart all these services with changed user credentials.

Domain Installation:

If the users are managed via Active Directory, we need to use below method:

To Open Active Directory Users and Computers use below method:

Start–>Run –>dsa.msc

It will open Active directory Users and Computers window

Right Click on USERS and select ‘Find’:

Alternatively we can use below method to find users:
From Start–>Run–> execute query:

rundll32.exe dsquery,OpenQueryWindow
  • Find Users,Contacts and Group window will be opened.
  • Search user and right click–> select New password

After setting new password for SAPServiceSID, follow the same procedure as discussed in Local Installation to change the password in related SAP services.