For SAP installed on Windows environment, sometimes we need to change the password for SIDadm & SAPServiceSID
Whenever we change the password of user SAPService<SID>, corresponding SAP services must be updated with the new password otherwise services will be stopped due to incorrect logon details.
We need to consider below two scenarios:
- Local Installation
- Domain Installation
Let us discuss each case in detail:
Local Installation:
If the SAP system is locally installed i.e if users are managed locally use below method to reset password.
1) User: <SID>adm:
We can reset the password of <SID>adm if we login to system directly by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del and select Change Password.
For remote session, press Ctrl-Alt-End and select Change Password.
Additionally we can also change password as shown in below method:
Click start and type RUN–> type compmgmt.msc

This will open the computer management screen:

Click On Users and select the required user –> Right click and select option ‘Set Password’:

Set the New password as per the security policy of your organization.

2) User: SAPServiceSID
Reset password as shown above via compmgmt.msc.
Additionally there are certain services which are dependent on this user.
- Choose Start –> All Programs –> Administrative Tools –> Services.
- Choose corresponding SAP services using this user & set the New password

- Restart all these services with changed user credentials.
Domain Installation:
If the users are managed via Active Directory, we need to use below method:
To Open Active Directory Users and Computers use below method:
Start–>Run –>dsa.msc

It will open Active directory Users and Computers window

Right Click on USERS and select ‘Find’:

Alternatively we can use below method to find users:
From Start–>Run–> execute query:
rundll32.exe dsquery,OpenQueryWindow
- Find Users,Contacts and Group window will be opened.
- Search user and right click–> select New password

After setting new password for SAPServiceSID, follow the same procedure as discussed in Local Installation to change the password in related SAP services.