Today we will discuss how to create account in SCP also known as SAP Cloud Platform.
What Is SAP Cloud Platform
SAP Cloud Platform is a cloud service offered by the SAP.
It is an enterprise platform-as-a-service (enterprise PaaS) to connect your systems meaning,
- Customer has a privilege to develop an application quickly and economically without worrying about infrastructure cost.
- SAP is responsible for managing the infrastructure hardware, servers,patching/maintenance,upgrades and system lifecycle.
- Cloud customers can use the cloud environment for application development,and to build, extend, and integrate business applications
Detailed information about SAP Cloud Plaftorm can be found at my earlier post:
Steps To Create Account In SCP
Search for ‘sap cloud platform trial’ in search engine and and open result as shown below:
Click on Register For free:
Fill all the details if you don’t have an SAP account already.
Read the terms and conditions and continue.
You will land into cockpit URL:
Click on Enter your trail account and verify
Click on Create account.
It will take some time to create new account
Account will be created :
This Trial account is valid for 30 days which can be extended till 90 days.
i.e. after two extensions of 30 days each sub-account will be deleted.
We can further upgrade this trial account to Enterprise account.
Hope you find this article useful 🙂