Configure LDAP Connector In SAP

In This article, we will discuss how to configure LDAP connector in SAP.
Let us discuss what is LDAP.


LDAP also called as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a a set of protocols for accessing information directories.
It is based on the X.500 standard but is a “lightweight” version of Directory Access Protocol (DAP).
The LDAP server stores the directory information in a database and the most common use of LDAP is to provide central place for authentication.

In SAP, we use LDAP mostly as a data source in UME (user management engine) or can be used to authenticate Organization’s Windows user to use services like ESS/MSS portals in SAP etc.

RFC Creation

Create TCP/IP connection RFC
T-code: SM59 –>Create

Configure LDAP connector_RFC creation
LDAP RFC creation

Maintain the Gateway details and test the connection:

Configure LDAP connector_GW settings

Connection test:

RFC connection Test
Configure LDAP connector_SAP RFC Connection Test

LDAP Configuration

Goto T-code–> LDAP –> Connector

LDAP Connector Setup

LDAP server details needs to be configured:

Configure LDAP connector_LDAP server configuration

Configuration In SAP GRC System

Create Connectors:

T-code: SPRO
IMG projects–> GRC node–> common component settings –> Integration framework.

Configure LDAP connector_Create Connectors

(We can skip this step as Create Connectors is already done via SM59)

Define Connection Types:

Define LDAP connection types

Define Connector Groups:

Define LDAP Connector groups

Maintain Connection Settings:

Maintain connection settings by assigning LDAP to scenarios as below:

Maintain connection settings by assigning LDAP to scenarios

Maintain connection settings by assigning LDAP to scenarios

Perform same configuration with other integration scenarios:

Maintain connection settings by assigning LDAP to scenarios

Maintain Mapping of LDAP Attributes:

Maintain mapping of LDAP attributes
Maintain mapping of LDAP attributes:

Assign Default Connector:

Assign default connector

Maintaining the Group Field Mapping

We need to Maintain the group field mapping for both connector action 3 & 4 i.e PROV and AUTH actions as shown below:

Maintain the group field mapping

Maintaining the Group Parameter Mapping

We need to Maintain the group parameter mapping for both connector action 3 & 4 i.e PROV and AUTH actions.

Maintain the group parameter mapping

Maintain Connector Settings:

Maintain connector settings
Maintain connector settings

LDAP Assign attributes:

LDAP Assign attributes

Maintain Data Sources Configuration :

Maintain data sources Configuration

Add the LDAP connector and sequence as search data source

Add the LDAP connector and sequence as search data source

Add user authentication Data source

LDAP connector Add user authentication Data source

Set end user verification as: YES

LDAP End user verification configuration

Set LDAP user search as realtime as below:

Set LDAP user search as realtime

Keep LDAP search parameter =YES

Keep LDAP search parameter =YES.

Follow above steps in sequence to configure LDAP in SAP.