In This article, we will discuss how to configure LDAP connector in SAP.
Let us discuss what is LDAP.
LDAP also called as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a a set of protocols for accessing information directories.
It is based on the X.500 standard but is a “lightweight” version of Directory Access Protocol (DAP).
The LDAP server stores the directory information in a database and the most common use of LDAP is to provide central place for authentication.
In SAP, we use LDAP mostly as a data source in UME (user management engine) or can be used to authenticate Organization’s Windows user to use services like ESS/MSS portals in SAP etc.
RFC Creation
Create TCP/IP connection RFC
T-code: SM59 –>Create
Maintain the Gateway details and test the connection:
Connection test:
LDAP Configuration
Goto T-code–> LDAP –> Connector
LDAP server details needs to be configured:
Configuration In SAP GRC System
Create Connectors:
T-code: SPRO
IMG projects–> GRC node–> common component settings –> Integration framework.
(We can skip this step as Create Connectors is already done via SM59)
Define Connection Types:
Define Connector Groups:
Maintain Connection Settings:
Maintain connection settings by assigning LDAP to scenarios as below:
Perform same configuration with other integration scenarios:
Maintain Mapping of LDAP Attributes:
Assign Default Connector:
Maintaining the Group Field Mapping
We need to Maintain the group field mapping for both connector action 3 & 4 i.e PROV and AUTH actions as shown below:
Maintaining the Group Parameter Mapping
We need to Maintain the group parameter mapping for both connector action 3 & 4 i.e PROV and AUTH actions.
Maintain Connector Settings:
LDAP Assign attributes:
Maintain Data Sources Configuration :
Add the LDAP connector and sequence as search data source
Add user authentication Data source
Set end user verification as: YES
Set LDAP user search as realtime as below:
Keep LDAP search parameter =YES
Follow above steps in sequence to configure LDAP in SAP.